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Savona - Riviera delle Palme

Savona - Riviera delle Palme

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Bardineto is a village immersed in a wooded landscape of chestnut trees, beech trees and birch trees, famous for timber, a precious local resource that supplied the glassworks of nearby Altare for centuries. The mountains that surround the village conceal a hypogean labyrinth of karstic caves with various “buranchi”, well or vertical cavities, a paradise for speleologists; among them we can mention the “Buranco di Bardineto.” In the 13th century this little village became a fee of the Del Carretto family of Balestrino, as is testified by the ruins of the feudal castle. In 1795 it was the theatre of a battle between the Austrians and the French under general Massena. Going along the caruggi (alleys) of the historic area you can admire numerous panels (in ceramics or in chased copper), done in the early eighties, inspired by local history. An important local resource is mushrooms, sold in buckets and in oil. There are some curious houses built precisely in the shape of mushrooms. In autumn the Feast of the Golden Mushroom is held. Also, for lovers of trekking and mountain-bike riding there are paths immersed in charming natural landscapes. ( More Less )
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