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Tovo San Giacomo

Savona - Riviera delle Palme

Savona - Riviera delle Palme

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Tovo San Giacomo, whose name derives from tuvu (tufa) because of a tufaceous precipice in the Bronati area, is a typical agricultural place in the Maremola valley, famous for the cultivation of peaches; it is situated to the left of the homonymous stream on the southern slopes of the Folchi hill (321 metres). An old possession of the Bishops of Albenga, it was included in the Marca Aleramica (10th century) and then went to Bonifacio del Vasto (1091) and, in the 12th century, to the Del Carretto marquises of Savona and Finale. It went to Spain in 1598 and to the Republic of Genoa in 1713. The ruins of the feudal castle can still be seen on the Folchi hill. At Bardino Nuovo it is possible to visit the G. B. Bergallo Museum of the Tower Clock, the Italian museum of monumental clock making. ( More Less )
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