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Rocchetta Nervina

IMPERIA - Riviera dei FIori

IMPERIA - Riviera dei FIori

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Territory of Rocchetta Nervina:

Rocchetta Nervina is a small village of 274 inhabitants which lies on the slope of Monte Terca on the intersection of Rio Oggia with Barbaira stream in Val Nervia., It is only 13kms from the coast, at the back of Ventimiglia which favours the climate with almost stable late spring temperatures all year round. ( More Less )

The territory is a crossroad between the high mountain road of Monte Liguri and the Balcone path, linking Sanremo with the French city of Nice and the town of Menton. (Distance from chief town about 53 km). Monte Abellio was established Place of interest of the European Union(SIC) by a ministerial decree of the 25 March 2005, according to the legislation 92/43/CEE (Legislation Habitat).

Cultural Rocchetta Nervina:

Among the religious buildings present in Rocchetta Nervina there is the parish church of Santo Stefano. Of sixteenth century origin later reconsidered in Baroque style; there is also the Oratory of Santissima Annunziata.

It is important to mention that in the past diferent kinds of competions, like painting and writng, were organized.

Sport in Rocchetta Nervina:

Canyoning is practised near the village well as other sports with the suitable facilities.

Escursions in Rocchetta Nervina:

Here are two itineraries for Trekking in Rocchetta Nervina:

Excursions in Montoggio:

  • Balun (elastic ball) Tournament.
  • "Fairy-tale Festival delle fiabe" from 15 to 20 August (villagers and tourists can recall the ancient fairy tales wandering through the little streets of the village)
  • Feast of the Madonna, the 2 September, known in dialect as U Festìn. Legend has it that the Virgin Mary saved the village from a raid by Saracenes.
  • Feast of patron saint, Santo Stefano, the 26 December.
  • Various small feasts are organized during the summer by the associations of the territory.
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