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Savona - Riviera delle Palme

Savona - Riviera delle Palme

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Noli, set in the bay delimited by Capo Noli and Punta Vescovado, is one of the most interesting and peculiar historical settlements in western Liguria, included among the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy. An ancient Roman pagus, it was called Neapolis in the Byzantine epoch and Nauli or Noli in the early Middle Ages. An independent commune and a maritime republic which was allied with Genoa and fought against Pisa and Venice, it still preserves towers in red bricks, medieval buildings and a ring of walls that climbs up to the charming castle on Monte Ursino. To the slopes of the mountain there clings the bishopric, with the bishop’s palace and the Nostra Signora delle Grazie church. The Porta di Piazza gate, the main entrance to the historic area, opens up on the piazza with the town hall, the crenellated tower and the Loggia of the Republic. A construction in the late Baroque style is the Sant’Anna oratory, from whose parvis there is a beautiful view of the castle and the walls. The San Pietro Cathedral, of Romanesque origin, shows later Baroque alterations. Nearby, the Casa Repetto preserves almost intact its original medieval look. Outside the boundaries there is the monumental San Paragorio complex, declared a national monument for its architecture from the first Romanesque period, and the surrounding archaeological area. ( More Less )
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