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Finale Ligure

Savona - Riviera delle Palme

Savona - Riviera delle Palme

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Situated east of Capo di Caprazoppa, the finalese, called “ad fines” in the Roman era, marked the border between the territory of the Sabazi Liguri and that of the Ingauni Liguri. The history of Finale is extraordinarily rich, and each period has left important testimonies. ( More Less )

There are numerous rock incisions and archaeological evidence of European importance found in the caves. Many of the findings are in the Civic Museum in the complex of Santa Caterina in Finalborgo.

The main town nucleus is Finalmarina, with palm trees along the waterfront and “carruggi” with elegant shops and pleasant cafés. Two triumphal arches are testimony of Spanish supremacy , the Triumphal Arch of Margherita of Spain and that of the east gate.

The parish church of San Giovanni Battista is a magnificent example of Baroque style, and the Castelfranco fort looms over the inhabited area. Finalpia, which was built around Santa Maria di Pia Benedictine abbey is the other centre. Finalborgo was the old capital of the Del Carretto and still preseves its splendour in its elegant buildings, walls, religious complexes and the two stately castles. A splendid hamlet of Finale is the romantic and elegant seaside village of Varigotti.

The natural environment, together with the mild climate, makes the area an ideal destination for those who love the outdoor world, from water sports to quiet walks along panoramic paths or exciting descents on a mountain bike, free climbing and paragliding. In the hinterland is the Manie plateau, an unspoilt natural environment which is part of an important geological structure between Finale and Noli. You can get there by car but also by bike or on foot along paths that skirt vegetable gardens and vineyards.

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