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Discover Liguria

Hotel in Ortovero


In the Roman epoch a settlement existed here, “Ortus Vetus”, perhaps in the present-day area of Pozzo. The first certain notices indicate Ortovero as a possession of the marquises of Clavesana. In 1341 it was granted as a fiefdom to the Cazzulinis, who after ten years ceded it to the commune of Albenga, with which it followed the fate of the Republic of Genoa. In 1763 it rose up against the excessive fiscal impositions and in 1797, with the rise of the Ligurian Republic, became an independent commune with Pogli. In the Pozzo area the remains of the castle of the Clavesanas can be seen, preceded by the ruins of a tower and traces of an abandoned village. The San Silvestre parish church shows alterations done in the last century; the Immacolata chapel, which is circular, dates from the Baroque epoch, as does the San Giovanni chapel. The Santo Stefano parish church is medieval, but with nineteenth-century alterations. In all the municipal territory there are paths to take on foot, on horseback or on a mountain bike. Cultivation of roses and peaches characterizes this old village. Pigato has at Ortovero, a place adhering to the Wine Towns, one of its points of excellence; its Oenological Centre- Regional Wine-shop hosts annual events for its valorization.

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